How the Ghostwriter Creates Copy That Works for You
Goal: Create ads and web sites that draw the client you want to respond as you want.
Strategy: Understand the psychology (decision style, process, values and wants) of target client. Find the “hot buttons.”
Tactics: Define the key words or ideas your customer must believe.
Analyze your customer by the traits that define him/her for your purpose: age, sex, profession, education, experience, income, lifestyle, music (triggers emotions), special needs, other traits you think of
Use professional-quality design and images that speak your key ideas to the unconscious mind. Find or create.
Write texts (headlines, subheads and body copy) that reinforce your power messages.
Position key words to make them prominent and memorable. (Where you say it makes the difference.)
Guiding principle: Stress the benefits to the customer.
Ideal: The verbal text supports the unconscious decision the viewer made from the non-verbal images.