Friendly Ghostwriter
How the Friendly Ghostwriter
Thinks About and Writes Your Ad and Web Site
Goal: Create ads and web sites that draw the customer you want to make the transactions you want.
Strategy: Understand the psychology (decision style, process, values and wants) and behavior of target client.
1. Define the key words or ideas your customer must believe.
- Analyze customer traits that define him for your purpose:
age, sex, race, marital status, profession, education, income
lifestyle, music he likes (fastest route into the emotions)
special needs
other traits you think of
3. Choose or create professional-quality web site design and images
that communicate your key words to the unconscious mind.
- Write text (headlines, subheads and body copy)
that reinforces the key messages.
5. Position key words in headline and text to make them
prominent and memorable.
Guiding principle: Stress the benefits to the customer
not the features of the product or service.
Ideal: Text supports the instant unconscious decision
the viewer made from the non-verbal elements.